1.3 Leadership of Change® Supporting Textbook
The course is based the following leadership of change textbook and eBook. It includes nearly all the concepts included in this masterclass and much more:
Change Management Handbook - Leadership of Change® Volume 3
Leadership of Change® - Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) Volume 3
Change Management Handbook: This change management handbook contains over fifty concepts, models, figures, assessments, tools, templates, checklists, plans, a roadmap and glossary, structured on the ten step a2B Change Management Framework® each with a practical case study.
About the Book: This handbook is for change management practitioners, managers, students, HR professionals and who want to deliver successful organisational change while their organisation continues with day-to-day operations. Leadership of Change® Volume 3 provides deep insights into change programme delivery using the a2B Change Management Framework® (a2BCMF®). It starts by aligning the change with the organisation’s strategy and vision, moving through to successfully closing and sustaining the change. It covers ten key change management implementation concepts in detail, which include sponsorship, change history, communication, change planning, readiness, resistance, developing the new skills and behaviours, as well as adoption. It also includes the AUILM® Employee Change Adoption Model and the a2B5R® Employee Behaviour Change Model. Descriptions and other related information in this masterclass are provided only to illustrate the methods covered. You are fully responsible for the use of these methods. peterfgallagher.com and a2B.consulting assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or any third parties arising from the use of these methods or information.
Link to Amazon: Amazon.com/Change_Management_Handbook
Link to all publications: https://www.peterfgallagher.com/publications
Please also see Section 4.0 Other Resources, for details about Leadership of Change® - Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) Volumes.